Maria Meza is a new face designer from Mexico, living in New York city. She was born in Irapuato Guanajuato, Mexico where she studied fashion design and haute couture.“What inspires me the most about fashion is being able to create, having something in mind and make them through a piece of clothing, whether it is shoes or accessories. I see fashion as a language, a way of self expression.” When asked how long she has had an interest in fashion her expression said it all.
When Carl Franz was on a business trip to Paris in 1849 he never imagined that buying his wife a present would result in a huge life change. While buying his wife a pair of lace-up booties he notices that the design and buttons/elastic that was used was similar to what his family's factory produced. It was at that moment that he knew that he could make these of better quality, create more jobs and improve the lives of the residents.
Kym Ellery started her line with a $5,000 loan from her rig-driving father. She began developing her line at night, when she was only 22, while also working as a market director at "Russh Magazine" in Australia. Ellery stayed at "Russh" for four years. Her line is now stocked in stores across Australia, Paris, Moscow, London, New York, The Middle East and China.
Jil Sander has been conquering the fashion world from all dimensions since she graduated from a textile-engineering school in 1963. Sander was born in 1943 in Wesselburen, Germany and studied at Krefeld School of Textiles in the early sixties. After graduating from Krefeld she was a foreign exchange student at the University of California before moving to New York to work as a fashion writer for "McCall's Magazine".
With the winter months looming in the near future knowing what jackets are in style this year is imperative so you don't get left out in the cold. It is not so much the style of jacket that has changed this year it is more of the fabric and material that is being used.
Since graduating from the Sydney Institute of Technology less than a decade ago, Dion Lee has managed to to establish himself as one of the most sought after fashion designers in Australia.
Producing all of his clothes locally in Germany, environmentally conscious Bobby Kolade prioritizes sustainability in all aspects of his business. From the Fairtrade fabrics he uses, to the 100% Vegan shoes he collaborated with Mats Rombaut on, this Berlin-based designer constantly looks for ways he can manufacture luxurious items while also minimising any environmental impact that may result from it.
Maybe this freshly graduated generation just wants to relive the good ol' days of naptime and swing sets, but 1990's trends are here to stay. The comfort food of fashion- velvet mixed with cotton tee's, chunky heels, fanny packs, oversized sportswear- can be found in virtually any store from Target to Gucci.
Alexander Terekhov is a master at bringing two polar opposites together. Whether its mixing elegant and extravagant or sexy and modest he has it covered. The Russian born designer's work has been a favorite "going out" brand for many Russians for over a decade despite the increasing competition and appearance of new brands. His newest collection features a blend of modest and sexy and is a combination of everyday wear and formal wear.
When Louisa started her online store three years ago she never expected it to grow as quickly as it has. To date, the entrepreneur has sold over two thousand products and been featured in a number of different publications. Despite her growth in sales, Louisa still hand makes all of her designs in her New York City apartment to ensure that every customer is happy with their product.
Health & Beauty
It is almost 2018, we have put humans on the moon, developed cars that can drive on their own and luckily most of us have come to the conclusion that an individual with a tattoo can be both intelligent and hardworking. Over the past decade tattoos have slowly become more mainstream and accepted in society. In the past individuals with tattoos, women especially, have been harshly judged and ridiculed for the art that they chose to put on their body. But now that people are starting to take the time to understand tattoos and the art behind it women are no longer looked down upon or judged for using their body as a canvas for art. We talked to one of the most in demand tattoo artists on Long Island in order to get the inside scoop on what the current trends are and the art behind tattooing.
There are so many makeup brushes on the market it can be overwhelming to say the least. If you don’t know where to begin, here are some of the best, basic brushes to achieve a full face look that is flawless. For a perfect base, start with a foundation brush to place and blend your foundation evenly. Start at the center of your face and blend outward and upward towards your hairline for even application and voilà!
Sheet masks make you feel great. They're quick, they're easy, there's no mess. The producers claim to have something for everyone, from brightening pearls to mattifying green tea. But here's the thing- they are only skin deep.
Experiencing New York in the fall is something that everyone should do at least once in their lifetime. There are a plenty things to do in New York in the fall but we have complied a list of the top things that you have to do before it gets too cold outside and you retreat to your couch with a cup of hot chocolate and Netlfix.
Ready to try something new with your hair? Tired of the same old style? Well look no further. Here are three of the hottest hair trends on the scene!
“Cool Weather? Heat It Up with fall 2017 eye trends”
As summer comes to a close, the times of breezy, natural, and fresh makeup looks are over. The heat and humidity aren't problems anymore; like eyeliner melting off your face. Fall 2017 eye-makeup trends are bold, fearless, and revolutionary to what has been done in the past.
This year as seen an influx of new, simpler nail trends. The long, catlike nails that took the fashion world by storm last year have faded and been replaced with shorter more naturally shaped nails.
Life stories
"He killed himself", three words that will be burned in my mind for the rest of my life. I can remember the exact moment that I heard those three words. I was taking a nap before I had to go to work that afternoon and my mom came in my room to tell me that my cousin killed himself earlier that morning.
Although many things have become mainstream over the years and taboos have been removed from a number of different thing, one thing that many don’t like to talk about or acknowledge is the world of stripping. The world of stripping is surrounded by myths, assumptions and shame but have you ever wondered what it is really like for this women (or men) to take their clothes off in front of strangers? Or have you ever wondered what motivates them to do this?
Graduating college is one of the most exciting yet scary times of your life. It is a huge accomplishment that should be celebrated but it also means that you will be thrust into the real world where you will be expected to cover your day to day expenses. Which includes paying back those monster student loans that you took out when you were just eighteen and had no idea what a high interest rate was.
In 1967, a white man named Richard Loving fell in love with an african american woman named Mildred Jeter, she got pregnant and they decided to elope in Washington, D.C. Once they returned home from their trip their newlywed bliss was soon interrupted when their home was raided in the middle of the night.
What makes a good girlfriend? How do you know if you are being a good girlfriend? How do you know if you are filling all of their needs and supporting them as they do for you? Well here are a few key things that girlfriends should do in order to fill the commitment that they made when agreeing to be someones girlfriend.
Welcome to the chaos- a monthly series of everything I did wrong, and how I loved every minute of it. Make sure your mind is open, and enjoy the ride.
For many straight women, the idea of being attracted to the same sex may seem strange and foreign. If you are like me then you have probably wondered what is the reasoning behind it. Is it about physical attraction or is it about emotional support that only someone who thinks like you can understand? Is it natural or is it a result of environment?
With summer on the brink of arrival, it seems like hot coffee dispensers everywhere are gathering dust, jealous of cold delights like Frappuccinos and ice teas garnering all the attention. Of course, it’s obvious that chilled coffees and teas are selling out quicker as the heat rises, but what about the health benefits of each brew and each temperature?
I was laying under my blankets in the end of one February, looking for motivation to roll myself out of bed. It was cold, my insides felt cold, and I was probably - at that point - at my lowest. Up until that point, my life did not turn out how I anticipated it would. I had been rejected by countless agents and publishers, I was working in a call center, I never went back to Oxford for my Master’s degree, my mother was dead, and I was a very unhealthy 240 pounds at 5’ 3”. I harbored a debilitating sense of loss whilst finishing college the year prior, however during that time, I knew at least I had an end goal. Where I was in the winter of 2013, no goal existed.
Raising a child on your own without any help from the child's father is not the fairytale that most girls dream of. But sadly it is the reality that many women nowadays have to face, the main reason behind this influx in single moms is because of a shift in society that has occurred. Sex is no longer reserved for loving, committed relationships like it once was and “casual sex” has increased. The problem with this being when someone gets pregnant men take the “no strings attached” label a little to far and disappear off of the face of the earth.
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